Royal Asiatic Society Books
The Royal Asiatic Society was founded in 1823 ‘for the investigation of subjects connected with, and for the encouragement of science, literature and the Arts in relation to Asia’.
Informed by these goals, the policy of the Society’s Editorial Board is to make available in appropriate formats the results of original research in the humanities and social sciences having to do with Asia, defined in the broadest geographical and cultural sense and up to the present day.
The Society has a flourishing publications programme. RAS Fellows enjoy a thirty percent discount on all publications in the Royal Asiatic Society series: please email publications@royalasiaticsociety.org
Editorial Board
Professor Francis Robinson, CBE, DL, Royal Holloway, University of London (Chair)
Professor Tim Barrett, SOAS, University of London
Dr Barbara Brend, Royal Asiatic Society
Dr Evrim Binbas, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn
Professor Anna Contadini, SOAS, University of London
Professor R. Michael Feener, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Dr Gordon Johnson, University of Cambridge
Dr Firuza Melville, University of Cambridge
Dr Taylor Sherman, London School of Economics
Dr Alison Ohta, Director, Royal Asiatic Society
Submit a Proposal
The RAS welcomes proposals and click here for advice on how to submit.
The Royal Asiatic Society also publishes the Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt Fund series. Established in 2001 by Princess Fazilé Ibrahim, the series encourages the growth and development of Ottoman studies internationally by publishing documents and manuscripts of historical importance from the classical period up to 1839, with transliteration, full or part translation and scholarly commentaries.
Guidelines for submissions can be found here. Book proposals for either series should be submitted to ao@royalasiaticsociety.org.uk. You can view details of our most recent publications here.
Editorial Board
Princess Fazilé Ibrahim, Founder
Dr Evrim Binbaş, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn
Professor Francis Robinson, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London
Professor Michael Ursinus, President of the CIEPO (Comité international des études pré-ottomanes et ottomanes)
Professor Edhem Eldem, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
Dr. Colin Heywood,Emeritus Professor of Modern French History Nottingham University
Assoc. Professor Erdem Çipa, History Department, University of Michigan
Assoc. Professor Emine Fetvaci, History of Art and Architecture, Boston University
Asst. Professor Mayte Green-Mercado, Department of History, Rutgers University Newark
Research Director Marinos Sariyannis, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas
Dr Kate Fleet, Director of the Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, University of Cambridge