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BYELAWS of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland is formed for the investigation and encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to In accordance with the provisions of charity law, and the founding principles of the Society, and except as provided in Byelaws 52 and 62, the Honorary Officers, Council members and members of the Society shall not receive any personal financial or material gain from the Society or their office.
- The Society is and will be composed of persons who heretofore have been and hereafter shall be elected or admitted as members of it under the Charter and these Byelaws.
- The members will be designated as Fellows or Student Fellows the latter being members who are following an established course of education and who pay a reduced subscription which shall be decided by the A Student Fellow shall be entitled to all the privileges of a Fellow. In addition to Fellows and Student Fellows, the Council may confer upon other persons, not being members of the Society, the status of Honorary Fellows, provided that such Honorary Fellows may not be deemed to be Fellows for the purposes of the Byelaws. Persons awarded similar exceptional or honorary Fellowships in the past shall be deemed to be Honorary Fellows.
- The Society shall be governed by a Council, and managed by a Director responsible to the Subject to the provisions of these Byelaws, the Council shall take all strategic decisions concerning the management of the Society and the deployment of its resources, and shall delegate appropriate responsibilities to the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and the Director.
- The election, admission and resignation of members and the general conduct of business shall be governed by standing orders approved by the Council, except as provided in Byelaw 13.
- The annual subscription of Fellows shall be as determined by the Council from time to The Council may decide, under standing orders, to exclude any Fellow from membership for non-payment of subscription or otherwise.
- At each Anniversary General Meeting the Society shall, subject to the following Byelaws, elect a Council to act as charitable trustees and to direct the Society for one year being the period commencing with the day immediately after such Meeting and ending with the day of the next such Meeting.
- The Council shall be elected from among the Fellows of the Society and shall comprise a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, no fewer than 12 nor more than 24 other members, and at least one Student Subject only to Byelaw 52 the Journal editor appointed by Council under Byelaw 51 shall be a member of the Council and of appropriate committees (as decided by the Council) ex officio.
- The President and Vice-President shall be elected to hold office for three years immediately following the date of their election; a retiring President or Vice- President shall not be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office.
- The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years and eligible for re- election to that office for one further term but normally will not hold the office for more than two terms.
- An Ordinary member of the Council who shall have had four years continuous service in that capacity shall retire with effect from the day of the Anniversary General Meeting, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the Council except as President, Vice-President or Treasurer until at least one year shall have expired between their retirement and such re-election.
- The above limits to service shall not apply to the Editor appointed under Byelaw 51, but the Council may make that appointment for a set term and shall review the appointment annually.
- Subject to Byelaws 14, 15 and 16, the Council shall set out in standing orders the procedures for the election of Officers and ordinary members of Council and shall submit these procedures and any amendment to them for approval at an Anniversary General or a Special General Meeting of the Society.
- The Council shall give reasonable notice each year to all members of the Society of vacancies on the Council and having received any representations from members shall agree and recommend a list of candidates for election by the Anniversary General Meeting.
- The Council’s recommended list as a whole shall first be put to the meeting.
- (a) If the recommended list be not carried it shall be in the discretion of the Chair to put the recommendations of the Council and any alternative nominations permitted by standing orders in several parts and in such order as to the Chair shall seem appropriate; and if no candidate or candidates shall have been nominated in excess of the number required for the particular office or offices to be filled the candidate or candidates nominated to such office or offices shall be deemed elected; otherwise the election to such office or offices and of ordinary members of the Council shall be determined by ballot, each Fellow present at the meeting to be entitled to one vote in respect of each office to be filled.
(b) In all cases prescribed, reserved, or agreed to be determined by ballot, when a ballot results in an equality of votes and it is necessary to make an elimination of persons in respect of whom such equality exists, there shall be a second ballot confined to the names of such persons, and if the votes shall again be equal the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
- If Council deem it fit, any member of Council may be asked to stand down for non-attendance at Council Meetings without just cause or good reason or for any behaviour which is considered by Council to be detrimental to the welfare of the Society.
- If any vacancy on the Council or in any office on the Council shall occur in the course of any year the Council may appoint one of its number or any other eligible member of the Society to perform the duties of such office or otherwise act in such vacancy for the remainder of such If a vacancy should occur during the three- year term of the President, Vice-President or Treasurer, the appointee shall remain in office only until the next Anniversary General Meeting at which time the officer will be elected for a full term of three years.
- Six Ordinary Meetings of the Council shall normally be held each year, and the President or any three Council members together may summon a Special Meeting of the At least seven days’ notice of all meetings will be given to Council members by the Director.
- A quorum of meetings of the Council shall be eight for all general business provided that for motions to amend standing orders or proposing the grant of a lease or letting for the whole or part of the premises of the Society or relating to the disposal of assets of financial value or of significance to the Society a ballot of all members of Council shall be taken.
- At all meetings of the Council the Chair shall be taken by the President or by the Vice- President or in their absence by another member present.
- Excepting in cases which are prescribed by these Byelaws to be determined by ballot, the decision of the Council on any matter shall be determined by vote by show of hands, unless in any particular case a ballot be demanded; and in any case of equality of votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
- The President. The President shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the Society, shall preside at Meetings of the Society and of the Council, conduct the proceedings, give effect to resolutions passed, and cause the Byelaws of the Society to be enforced.
- The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall deputise for the President and undertake such other duties as the Council may require.
- The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the supervision of the financial affairs and records of the The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and accounts issued to members.
- The Council may appoint other officers, whether or not members of Council, to undertake particular responsibilities from time to time.
- The Council may appoint, reappoint or cancel the appointment of a solicitor, financial advisor, architect, surveyor, or other professional body as may be considered necessary by Council to assist in the conduct of the Society’s affairs and may pay the fees of those so If any such appointed shall have been employed continuously for more than five years the Council shall review their appointment on a comparative and competitive basis.
- The meetings of the Society not being public meetings shall be termed General Meetings and shall be convened by the President; they shall be (a) Ordinary General Meetings, or (b) Special General Meetings, or (c) Anniversary General Meetings.
- At all Meetings other than Special General Meetings ten Fellows shall form a quorum; at Special General Meetings twenty-one Fellows shall form a quorum.
- The chair shall be taken by the President or the Vice-President or in their absence by another member of Council appointed by the Council.
- Notice of every General Meeting shall be given to every member of the In the case of a Special General Meeting no fewer than fourteen clear days’ notice shall be given.
- Any proposal to alter, add to or amend the Byelaws of the Society shall be dealt with at a Special General Meeting, duly convened, with papers provided to all Fellows at least three weeks in advance.
- Any proposal to alienate the Society’s property whether landed or portable shall be dealt with by Council with reference to its written principles and procedures governing disposals and where necessary at a Special General Meeting, duly convened, with papers provided to all Fellows at least three weeks in advance.
Special General Meetings
- The President or the Council may at any time convene a Special General Meeting; and such a Meeting shall at any time be convened by the Council on a written requisition signed by twenty-five Fellows of the Society and setting forth the proposal to be made or subject to be Guests are not permitted to attend Special General Meetings.
- The notice of a Special General Meeting shall contain a statement of the circumstances in which it is summoned, and of the proposals to be made or the matter to be discussed.
- Proceedings shall be commenced by reading the notice convening the Meeting; the matter, proposal or subject mentioned in the notice shall then be discussed and dealt with; and no topic apart from, or not arising out of, such matter or proposal shall be introduced, discussed or dealt with.
Anniversary General Meeting
- On such a day as shall be fixed by the Council each year there shall be held an Anniversary General
The course of the business shall be as follows:
- The minutes of the preceding Anniversary General Meeting shall be read, and if accepted as correct shall be signed by the Chairman.
- The Report of the Council shall be laid before the Meeting and the acceptance of that report shall be moved and seconded, and any recommendations made in it shall be considered and dealt with.
- The Meeting shall elect the Council in the manner laid down in Part III of these Byelaws.
- The Meeting shall appoint the Auditors for the ensuing year.
- The Meeting shall dispose of any other business of which due notice shall have been given, or which shall be admitted by the Chairman as a matter of urgency.
- At the Anniversary General Meeting or at another time the President may deliver an Annual Address.
Public Meetings
- Public meetings seminars and lectures of the Society may be held at such times and for such purposes as the Council may agree.
- The Council may, as it deems advisable, appoint members of the Society to form Standing Committees to advise in connection with finance, investments, the Library, publications, and any other branches or departments of the Society’s operations, each Committee reporting to the Council at least once a year; and may at its discretion at any time alter or vary the numbers and the personnel of the Committees so appointed, provided that the chairs of such committees should normally be a member of the Under Byelaw 51, the Council may also appoint an advisory board that shall work with and report to the Editor(s) and not the Council.
- The Council may at any time appoint members of the Society to be a Special Committee for the consideration of any matter or matters specifically stated in an order of reference; and the Special Committee so appointed shall report to the Council.
- Standing Committees shall be convened by the Director at the request of any member thereof; in appointing a Special Committee the Council shall name a member of such Committee as the convenor thereof.
- The President and Treasurer shall ex officio be members of all Standing Committees.
- A simple majority of a Committee, whether Standing or Special, shall form a quorum.
- The members of any Committee, whether Standing or Special, may be authorised by the Council to co-opt or consult any person being or not being a member of the Society.
- The Council shall cause proper books of account to be kept in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to charities in the United Kingdom.
- (a) The accounts of the Society shall be audited by an Auditor who is a qualified accountant.
- The outgoing Auditor shall be deemed to continue in office until the day after the Anniversary General Meeting, or, if from any cause their successors shall not be elected at such Meeting, then until the election of their successors.
- An outgoing Auditor shall be eligible for re-election, subject to the provisions of Byelaw 27.
- If an Auditor dies in office or resigns from office, the Council may appoint a replacement to act until the Anniversary General Meeting next following.
- The accounts signed by the Auditors shall be printed and published in the Society’s Journal either in full or in an abridged If on a decision of Council the accounts are printed in an abridged form, any member on making application to the Director may be provided with a full set of accounts.
- The proceedings or transactions of the Society, and papers, illustrations, notices of books, and other notes communicated to it and approved for publication shall be published under the title of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Society may also publish such other works as appropriate to its goals.
- General procedures, terms and conditions relating to publications and contracts with any publishers shall be approved by the Council advised by the Publications Committee (if appointed).
- The Council shall appoint an Editor who will manage the affairs of the Journal in consultation with any advisory board appointed by the Council to assist the Editor and with such other advisors as the Editor may deem The Council may also appoint an executive Editor to assist the academic Editor. The Council may also appoint an academic editor for other publication series or for the general oversight of publications other than the journal. All appointments as academic editors shall be for a fixed term as approved by the Council but such Editors may be reappointed to further terms. The Council may also appoint a committee to consider general publications policies under Byelaw 40.
- Any Editor(s), who is a member of the Society may receive payment for their services, provided however that any Journal Editor who receives such renumeration shall immediately cease to be a charitable trustee of the Society and a member of Council and of any other committees ex officio, notwithstanding Byelaw 8, but shall be entitled to attend meetings of Council and the said committees.
- The Council shall appoint a Director to be the general administrator and curator of the Society, and a Librarian, and any other staff needed to administer the Every staff member so appointed shall be paid such reasonable salary as the Council shall think fit and subject to current employment law shall be dismissable at the pleasure of the Council.
- The Director shall be responsible through the President to the Council, and all other employed staff members shall report to the On budget management and financial matters, the Director shall liaise closely with the Treasurer.
- The Director shall act as Secretary to Council and to General Meetings, and shall ensure that other meetings of the Society and any of its committees are serviced by a member of staff.
- The Director shall be provided with a job description that includes a responsibility to manage staff and budgets, to ensure the proper and efficient conduct of the Society’s business, and to make both annual and incidental reports to The Director shall have powers of delegation within limits approved by the President.
- The Society shall maintain a library for the use of members, and others by The Library shall be managed by the Librarian, appointed by the Council and reporting to the Director. Details of opening hours and regulations for use shall be decided by Council. These regulations shall be published and may be amended from time to time as necessary.
- The Charter, Deeds and other title documents of the Society shall be kept in such safe custody as the Council may from time to time direct.
- (a) The Common Seal of the Society shall display an elephant surmounted by a howdah and ridden by a mahout wielding an elephant-goad, with the inscription Reg. As. Britt. below the elephant.
(b) The Council shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal, which shall only be used by the authority of the Council or of a committee authorised by the Council in that behalf; every instrument to which the seal shall be affixed shall be signed by the President, or the Honorary Treasurer or by some other person appointed by the Council for that purpose. The persons in whose presence the Seal is affixed shall also sign the book in which a record of sealings shall be kept.
- Societies established for the same objects for which the Society was formed may on the recommendation of the Council and on the vote of a Special General Meeting be admitted as Branch or Associate Societies of the Royal Asiatic They shall continue to be Branch or Associate Societies of the Royal Asiatic Society for so long as they shall be societies of repute and honour, governed by Councils freely elected by their members, and continuing as their major activity to investigate and encourage science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia or to a specific region of Asia; provided always that they shall offer such privileges to members of the Society as the Society offers to their members under the Byelaw following. Their position vis-à-vis the Society shall be reviewed by the Council at least once during the term of office of each President.
- Members of Branch and Associate Societies are entitled while temporarily resident within the British Isles to the use of the Library but not to borrow books there from and to attend the Meetings of the Society other than Special General Meetings but without the right to vote on any matter; they shall be entitled to receive notices of such meetings if they have in advance notified the Director of their address and the duration of their residence within the British Isles.
- The provisions of Byelaw 1 shall not be understood to prevent the payment of reasonable and approved remuneration in return for any special services rendered to the Society or out-of-pocket expenses or both to any officer, member or staff-member of the Nor shall it be understood as precluding any person in the employment of the Society from becoming a member of the Society, though such employees may not be members of the Council.
- If sufficient cause be shown against any member of the Society, whether by willful breach of the promise made in signing the Form of Obligation or otherwise implied or any conduct likely to be injurious to the honour, interests or welfare of the Society, that member’s name may be removed from the list of members of the Society and they shall cease to be a member thereof by a resolution of a Special General Meeting; provided that:
- An enquiry into such matter be first initiated by the Council, either on its own accord or on a requisition signed by not less than three members of the Society and sent or delivered to the Director; and that on the matter being first reported the said member may, by the order of an Ordinary or Special Meeting of the Council, be suspended from the privileges of membership with immediate effect pending further enquiry;
- Before proceeding with the enquiry the Council shall cause the Director to inform the said member of the charge made against him and of any suspension ordered under the previous provision, and to give him due notice of any Meeting of Council at which the charge shall be considered, at which they shall be entitled to submit their case either in writing or in person;
- The Council shall if satisfied with the member’s explanation restore their privileges of membership; otherwise it may offer that member the opportunity of submitting their immediate resignation, or may bring the matter before a Special General Meeting of the Society where the removal of that member shall be put to the vote after the member has been given the opportunity to submit their case either in writing or in person;
- The Society shall be entitled to proceed against such member for the recovery of any sums outstanding at the time of their removal.
- The Council may lease any part of the premises of which it may own the freehold and which part or parts of the premises are deemed to be surplus to the Society’s requirements following a ballot of all members of Council subject to any lease containing adequate provision ensuring that the Society’s freehold interest is preserved complete.
- Any notices required to be sent to any member pursuant to any of these Byelaws shall be deemed duly given if sent by post or electronically to their last known address; and notices shall not be required to be sent by post to any member not having their address within the British Isles.
- The Society and its officers and bona fide representatives have and reserve the right to exclude any member of the public from its premises and from any or all of its meetings.
- In consideration of its general duty as charitable trustees to protect the property and interests of the Society, the Council shall take out and maintain adequate insurance against loss and liability pertaining to the Society, including employer’s and public liability, where such insurance is Also notwithstanding the prohibition on members’ benefits in Byelaw 1 the Council may insure against the liability of Council members as trustees, as provided under current charity law. Should losses be incurred by the Society that fall outside those for which the Council members as trustees are actually liable, and beyond those otherwise covered by insurance, the Society and not the Council members as individuals shall bear the cost, provided that where it is reasonable and appropriate to do so the Society may seek to recover from individual Council members convicted of fraud, dishonesty, or reckless conduct the costs of criminal fines, of penalties imposed by public authorities and of criminal proceedings, and may also seek to recover any losses arising out of conduct which the Council or a Council member knew, or reasonably should have known, was not in the interests of the Society. Nothing in this clause shall preclude the Society from proceeding against any person or member of the Society to prevent or require any action or to recover any loss, where such proceedings are deemed appropriate by the Council.
- No proceedings of the Society shall be invalidated by reason of a member of any class not having received any notice by these Byelaws required to be given.
- The foregoing Byelaws shall come into operation at once and shall supersede all previously existing Byelaws, Rules or Regulations; but not so as to prejudice during the current year or for such longer time as may be applicable in any particular case and approved by the Council any election to office or Committee membership or any special rights and privileges acquired in virtue of any payment already made to and accepted by the Society.
STANDING ORDERS of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Any person wishing to become a Fellow shall address the Director in writing and give his/her name, status, occupation and A candidate for Student Fellowship shall address an application in writing to the Director giving the required information above and supported by a letter of recommendation from their Head of Department or Supervisor or other responsible person who need not be a Fellow of the Society. It shall be within the power of the Council, on being satisfied as to the credentials of any particular candidate in exceptional circumstances, to dispense with these conditions. In the case of any Student Fellow of more than one year’s standing who ceases to be eligible for that status and for any member of any Branch Society or of the Asiatic Society of Bengal applying for election as a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, the processes of nomination laid down in this paragraph shall not be necessary.
- The application shall be laid before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council after the receipt thereof or at any sub-committee meeting chaired by the President or Vice-President which shall be convened by the President or Vice President who shall act as Chair for that The decision of the Council on the nomination, and on any objection thereto, shall be final.
- Every newly elected Fellow shall be promptly informed of their election, and shall at the same time be furnished with a copy of these Byelaws and with an Obligation Form in Form A, hereinafter appended, which when received back duly signed shall be filed in a special register to be kept for that The admission of such Fellow shall not be complete unless and until the said Obligation Form, duly signed, shall have been received by the Director, and until such Fellow shall have paid their annual subscription for the current year unless such payment shall have been waived pursuant to Standing Order 13a.
- (a) Persons who have rendered meritorious service to the Society may be admitted by the Council as Honorary Fellows, provided that the total number of Honorary Fellows shall not at any time exceed Presidents of Societies which have been admitted as Branch and Associate Societies shall ex officio be Honorary Fellows for their period of office only. High dignitaries of foreign powers, or distinguished diplomatic representatives in the United Kingdom may be admitted by the Council as Honorary Fellows provided that such admissions be in all cases ad personam and shall not automatically be discontinued nor transferred to their successors in office.
(b) An Honorary Fellow shall be entitled to all the privileges of a Fellow, excepting to be made a member of the Council, and shall have no voice in the election of the Council of the Society or in any matter affecting the property or financial concerns of the Society; providing that an Honorary Fellow who shall have been a fellow at the time of their admission to such status shall continue to be entitled to the privileges of a Fellow in all respects.
(c) To every newly elected Honorary Fellow there shall promptly be sent a letter, signed by the Director, with a copy of the Byelaws, informing them of their selection and asking whether they are pleased to accept The admission of such Fellows shall be complete when they have accepted their selection; and there shall then be sent to them a diploma, under the seal of the Society, signed by the President and the Director.
- (a) Any member may resign their membership by sending to the Director notice in writing to that effect.
(b) The resignation of a member shall not take effect until they shall have discharged any sums or liabilities due by him to the Society pursuant to Byelaws and standing orders or otherwise, unless the same shall be waived or remitted by the Council.
(c) If the resigning member be a Fellow paying annual subscription, unless their notice of resignation shall reach the Director before the 1st February of any year, they shall be liable for the subscription for that year.
- Every member shall notify the Director of any correction, addition or alteration which they wish to have made in their designation or address.
- Annual subscriptions shall be due on the first day of January of each year; and if any Fellow fails to pay the annual subscription due before the end of February the Director shall apply to them for The Council shall determine the annual subscription not later than September of each year.
- (a) The Council may vary the subscriptions between Student and other Fellows, and may set different rates for Fellows not normally resident in the British Isles.
(b) If a Student Fellow ceases to be eligible for that status but is elected as a Fellow they should pay the fee due as a Fellow from the 1stof January following their election.
(c) If a Fellow living abroad shall return to or come to reside in the British Isles before having paid their subscription for the year then current they shall with effect from the beginning of such year pay the annual subscription of a Fellow resident in the British Isles.
(d) If a Fellow living abroad shall return to or come to reside in the British Isles after having paid their subscription for the year then current they shall with effect from the beginning of the following year pay the annual subscription of a Fellow resident in the British Isles.
- The first payment of subscription is due on election; but if a Fellow be elected in November or December of any year the first annual subscription paid shall cover the year beginning on 1st January next after their election.
- (a) If the subscription payable by any Fellow shall remain unpaid on the 30th April all their privileges shall be in abeyance until they shall have paid the amount due from him, and the Director shall promptly address them by letter to that effect.
(b) If the subscription payable by any Fellow shall remain unpaid by the date of the Anniversary General Meeting in that year the Director shall address them by letter and shall demand payment and shall inform them that if their subscription remain unpaid after the lapse of two months from the date of the said letter their name shall be posted as that of a defaulter.
(c) Should the subscription remain unpaid on the 31st December in that year, the case shall then be laid before the Council, and unless the Council shall otherwise decide the defaulter shall cease to be a Fellow of the Society, and shall be so informed.
- If a Fellow resident in the British Isles shall go to live elsewhere they shall from the expiry of the year then current, and for so long as they may continue to live elsewhere, pay the annual subscription of a Fellow resident abroad.
- (a) The Council shall have power to reduce, remit or postpone payment of the subscription payable by a Fellow whose circumstances render such a course necessary or desirable.
(b) A register shall be kept of those Fellows whose subscriptions have been reduced, remitted or postponed in accordance with Section (a) above; the said register shall be laid before Council each year at its Ordinary Meeting in October; the Council shall thereupon consider each case therein entered, and may cancel or otherwise alter the terms of any previous reduction; and notice of any change made by the Council shall promptly be sent to the Fellow concerned.
- (a) No one shall normally be elected to the office of President who has not already had at least one year’s service on the Council;
(b) No one shall normally be elected to the Council who has not been a member of the Society for at least one year;
(c) If any vacancy on the Council or in any office on the Council shall occur in the course of any year the Council may appoint one of its number or any other eligible member of the Society to perform the duties of such office or otherwise act in such vacancy for the remainder of such year.
- An Ordinary Meeting of the Council shall normally be held in every alternate month of the year.
- The President, or the Vice-President, or in their absence any three members of Council acting concurrently, may summon a Special Meeting of the Council by a circular notice which the Director shall prepare and send out.
- Excepting in cases which are prescribed by the Byelaws to be determined by ballot, the decision of the Council on any matter shall be determined by vote by show of hands, unless in any particular case a ballot be demanded; and in any case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
- The Director shall be responsible for seeing that the minutes of Ordinary and Special General Meetings of the Society together with proceedings of Meetings of the Council and its Committees are duly recorded in the Minute Books.
- At the Council meeting in February there shall be provided to all members of Council a notice which
(a) shall show the names of all persons then being members of the Council, and the particular position on the Council held by each of them;
(b) shall indicate those members of the Council who are not eligible for re-election at the next Anniversary General Meeting, and shall make clear the reason for each of the indications so made;
(c) shall show the impending vacancies on the Council;
(d) shall present the recommendations by members of Council with names of the proposer and seconder and an abbreviated curriculum vitae of each candidate from which Council shall draw up a list of those proposed to fill the offices on it for the ensuing year.
- No later than the 1stday of March, the same such notice in Standing Order 19 shall be sent to all Fellows of the Society having an address in Great Britain or Ireland; together with a notice that every such member, subject to Byelaws 9, 10 and 11 is entitled to nominate any other Fellow for election to any position on the Council; such nomination to take the form of a written communication, signed by the nominator and by a seconder who is a duly qualified member of the Society, and accompanied by a short curriculum vitae and a statement signed by the nominee expressing the willingness to act if elected, which must reach the Society not later than the 21st day of March.
- At its Ordinary Meeting in April, having received any representations from members, the Council shall agree and recommend a list of candidates for election by the Anniversary General Meeting to serve as officers and Council members for the ensuing year.
- A copy of the list shall be sent with each notice of the Anniversary General Meeting to every Fellow of the Society having a postal address in Great Britain or Ireland or an email address; together with a notice showing separately any valid nominations received which are not incorporated in the proposals made by the Council.
- The Council’s recommended list as a whole shall first be put to the If the recommended list be not carried it shall be in the discretion of the Chair to put the recommendations of the Council and any alternative nominations permitted by standing orders in several parts and in such order as to the Chair shall seem appropriate; and if no candidate or candidates shall have been nominated in excess of the number required for the particular office or offices to be filled the candidate or candidates nominated to such office or offices shall be deemed elected; otherwise the election to such office or offices and of ordinary members of the Council shall be determined by ballot, each Fellow present at the meeting to be entitled to one vote in respect of each office to be filled.
- An Ordinary General Meeting open to non-members shall normally be held in each month with the exception of the months of July, August and September.
- The course of the business shall be as follows:-
(a) The minutes of the preceding Ordinary General Meeting shall be read, together with the minutes of any Special General Meeting held in the interim except any which may have been held on the same day as the Ordinary General Meeting in progress; and the minutes if accepted as correct shall be signed by the Chairman.
(b) There shall be announced the name of any candidate nominated for Fellowship and admitted by the Council or sub-committee chaired by the President or Vice-President, and the name of any person newly admitted to be an Honorary Fellow and any provisional appointments to the Council under Standing Order 14c.
(c) Donations or presentations made to the Society shall be announced, and, if practicable, laid before the Meeting.
(d) Any other matters of which notice shall have been given may be disposed of.
(e) Notices of any matters of general interest to members may be laid before the Society.
(f) Papers and other communications shall be read, and discussion may follow.
(g) Except by the special permission of the Chairman, no resolution other than a formal motion arising on the matters here mentioned shall be proposed.
(h) The Society reserves the right to exclude any person from an Ordinary General Meeting.
- All Committees report to Council and their recommendations are subject to Council’s approval.
Finance & Investments
- The Finance & Investments Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Director, together with four other members, of whom at least two shall be current members of the In making appointments to the Committee, the Council shall endeavour to appoint at least one person with specialist knowledge of investments. The committee may, at its discretion, co-opt a person or persons with specialist knowledge of investment matters if required.
The Finance & Investments Committee shall receive and report to the Council on an annual report from the Treasurer and Director confirming that all income, proposed expenditure and expenditure is appropriate and in conformity with the law and guidelines governing charities. It shall make an annual report to Council on trends, opportunities and risks in regard to different heads of income and expenditure. If necessary it shall take advice and make recommendations on particular items of income and expenditure.
The Committee shall make recommendations to Council on spending and financial policy. It shall oversee the preparation of the budget and accounts, and receive reports from the auditors, and recommend all these for approval by Council. It shall agree budgets under different heads, including for the Library and other committees, and keep income and expenditure under review during the year.
The Committee shall be responsible for financial matters related to tenancy and letting agreements; conduct a regular review of staff salaries and conditions; and make an annual recommendation to Council on the levels of membership contributions. It shall undertake periodic reviews of service agreements as required under the Byelaws, and recommend providers to the Council.
The Committee shall from time to time propose a statement of investment objectives for the Council’s approval. It shall receive an annual report on the investment portfolio, its value, income and management, and make recommendations to Council. The Committee shall propose prudent limits on the amount of income to be drawn from investments, including from the restricted endowments for prizes or other purposes, and agree an annual target income in cash and as a percentage of the value of the portfolio. It shall normally draw only from cash income, drawing on the capital (at current valuations) only in exceptional circumstances and with the prior approval of the Council.
Money available for prizes and other spending from designated funds shall be calculated in any year by applying the percentage target for that year to the current balance in the fund. No share of the management fee shall be allocated to the designated funds, and they shall be maintained in cash terms in the financial records. However, Council may adjust the money value of a designated fund if it sees fit, on the advice of Finance & Investments Committee, taking account of any increase or decrease in the capital value of the portfolio.
The Committee shall advise on any financial implications of proposals under consideration and shall approve any new spending commitments and any expenditure above approved limits. Such matters shall be referred to it by the Director, committees or others responsible. Such referrals shall include the financial implications of any contract negotiated with third parties, and any investment from the Society’s funds.
The Committee shall propose, from time to time, discretionary spending limits for the Director, for direct administration, and for costs to be approved by committees. (For the time being, the Finance & Investments Committee may approve non-recurrent expenditure up to £10,000 subject to report to Council. The Director and Treasurer together may authorise individual items of expenditure up to £5000, subject to report to the Committee. The Director may authorise spending within approved budgets, and on any exceptional item or connected set of items up to £1000 subject to report to the Committee.)
Other standing or ad hoc committees and the Librarian may approve expenditure up to the limits in their budgets agreed by Finance & Investments Committee. Each committee and, if appropriate, sub-committee shall regularly inform Finance & Investments Committee of the current balance of its annual discretionary budget(s), its current non-recurrent expenditure or commitments as approved, and its proposals for future spending subject to approval; and Finance & Investments Committee shall forward or summarise these reports for the information and where appropriate approval of Council.
The Treasurer or in the Treasurer’s absence the President may act on behalf of the Committee, subject to a report to Committee members by circulation or at the next meeting.
Events and House
- The Events and House Committee is responsible for all matters concerning the activities of the Society such as lectures, events, research fellowships, prizes, awards, scholarly and international relations and academic It is also responsible for matters pertaining to the Society’s premises such as maintenance, health and safety, tenancy and rental issues, risk assessment and public benefit requirements.
- The Library Committee holds responsibility for the contents of the library and the The Committee shall also be responsible for matters related to cataloguing, conservation, digitisation, loans to exhibitions, access, furniture, risk assessment, health and safety and public benefit requirements. The Committee makes recommendations regarding the disposal of assets and the salary levels of Library staff.
The 2023 Committee
- The 2023 Committee is responsible for advising Council about the strategic direction of the Society, functioning as a forum for imaginative thinking and co-ordinating as appropriate that business which falls to be considered by more than one of the various Standing Committees. The Committee will oversee the arrangements for celebrating the Society’s 200th Anniversary. The Committee is composed of the Director, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and the Chairs of the Finance, Library, and House & Events as members ex officio, but would seek advice from other members of the Society and from outside by co-opting members as appropriate. The Director determines the agenda and timing of meetings of the Committee.
- The Publications Committee is responsible for all matters concerning the publications of the The Committee shall develop, for approval of the Council, a strategic policy, aimed at the promotion of the Society through an active programme of scholarly publication by means of print and electronic media.
The Committee shall, from time to time, propose to the Council a publishing strategy and detailed arrangements to implement it.
The Committee shall report to the Council at least annually on the work of the Journal and on the publication of any other books or materials, in print or electronic form, to have been solicited or put under contract since the previous year’s report.
The Committee shall refer to the Finance & Investments Committee any contract negotiated with a partner publisher, and shall seek the concurrence of the Finance & Investments Committee for any investment from the Society’s funds that might be required to bring a publishing project to fruition.
The Committee shall recommend to the Council the terms of appointment of any Publications Officer/Consultant charged with developing and implementing the publishing programme.
The committee shall, with the approval of the Council, delegate specific responsibilities as follows:
The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
The Committee shall recommend to the Council any appointment to the Editorship or Assistant Editorship of the Journal. In consultation with the Editor, the Committee shall make recommendations to the Council about the composition of the Journal’s Editorial Board. Minutes or records of any meetings of the Editorial Board, or with the publisher of the Journal, shall be reported forthwith to the Committee.
The Editor shall make a report, at least annually, to the Committee about the progress of the Journal.
Royal Asiatic Society Monograph Series and related academic publications
The Committee shall recommend for appointment by the Council membership of an Editorial Board to take academic responsibility for the publishing of monographs bearing the Society’s imprimatur. Minutes or records of any meetings of the Editorial Board, or with any publisher of monographs and related academic publications, shall be reported forthwith to the Publications Committee.
The Chair or Secretary of the Editorial Board shall make a report, at least annually, to the Committee about monographs and related academic publications, which shall be reported forthwith to the Publications Committee.
- Every communication published in the Journal of the Society becomes so far the property of the Society that the author may not, save with the permission of the Council duly recorded, republish it until an interval of six months shall have elapsed after its publication by the Society.
- The Council may present copies of the Journal to learned Societies and distinguished persons.
- Every Fellow is entitled, as soon as their signed Obligation Form has been received by the Society and their first payment of annual subscription has been made, to receive the parts or volumes of the Journal published subsequently to their election and also any parts or volumes previously published of the year covered by such payment; and, if they be available, they may by permission of the Council and at prices to be fixed by the Council obtain any parts or volumes of the Journal issued before the year covered by such payment.
- The parts of the Journal shall be forwarded post-free, as they are from time to time issued, to each fellow at that address which they have given in their Form of Obligation or which appears opposite their name in the list of members last published; and they shall have no remedy against the Society for recovery of any part or volume of the Journal which miscarries unless their current address has been communicated to the Director.
- Except by special order of the Council the Journal or any part thereof shall not be supplied to any Fellow whose annual subscription is in arrears.
- Any Fellow who has not received a copy of the Journal to which they are entitled can obtain the same gratis provided that they apply for it within four months of the date of publication; provided that they have taken steps as required to have their correct address entered in the list of members.
- Any person or institution not being a member of the Society may become an annual subscriber to the Journal at a rate to be fixed by the Council from time to time, and shall be supplied with it if that amount be paid in advance.