Silk Road

Silk Road Summer School and other Updates

Collections Update:

The Society is pleased to announce that from next week (week commencing the 19th July), the Society’s Library will be open to readers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Readers are reminded that they will still need to book an appointment when visiting by either emailing the Society’s Librarian: or Archivist:

In line with Government guidance, mask wearing for visitors is no longer compulsory. However, to keep readers safe we are still implementing a number of measures which include:

  • Having hand sanitiser both by the entrance and in the Reading Room, and asking readers to wash their hands before using collections.
  • Limiting the number of readers that can visit the Library for each session and encouraging readers to book with us in advance.
  • Cleaning surfaces with high grade disinfectants.

Readers are asked to please not visit the Society’s collections if they are feeling unwell or if any other members of their household are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

We look forward to welcoming more of our readers back in the coming weeks!

RAS Silk Road Summer School:

There are now only a few places left for the RAS Summer School on ‘The Silk Road: Art and Design from Silk to Books’ which will be held between Monday 6th September and Thursday 9th September.

During this four-day course, leading scholars on the historical Silk Road will introduce the term, its history, and the 20th century explorations which brought the role of Central Asia to the fore. The course will also look at some aspects of Silk Road art and technologies, fashion, ceramics, architecture and books and paintings.

Further information about this can be found here To book your place please email the Society’s Director Alison Ohta at

Silk Road Summer School

Last Chance to apply for Editor of the RAS Journal:

Today (16th July) is the last day to apply for the position of Editor of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. The successful candidate(s) will have a clear and exciting vision for the Journal’s future development and have the energy, commitment, and standing to realise that vision.

Further information can be found on the Society’s website. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a brief CV and covering letter to Dr Gordon Johnson at

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society