Dr Priyanka Basu
Dr. Priyanka Basu is a Lecturer in Performing Arts in the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London. She received her doctoral degree from SOAS, which was completed on a Felix Scholarship. She was a Curator of the ‘Two Centuries of Indian Print’ at the British Library. She was also a Visiting Researcher at the SOAS South Asia Institute and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, UCL. Priyanka is an RAS Fellow and member of council, a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, a member of the Royal Historical Society, GEC Representative on the BASAS Council, Working Group Coordinator of TaPRA and Co-convenor of the IFTR Historiography Working Group. She is also Book Reviews Editor of the South Asian History and Culture journal. She received the Royal Historical Society workshop grant (along with her colleague and collaborator, FBA Prof. Ananya Jahanara Kabir) in 2023 for their project, ’80 Years of the Bengal Famine: Decolonial Dialogues from the Global South’. Her first monograph—The Poet’s Song: ‘Folk’ and its Cultural Politics in South Asia—is coming out in 2023 from Routledge (South Asian History and Culture Series).
Academic profile: Priyanka Basu – King’s College London (kcl.ac.uk)
Link to forthcoming book: The Poet’s Song: ‘Folk’ and its Cultural Politics in South Asia (routledge.com)