Honoring David Morgan: Mongols and Post-Mongol Asia
On Friday 27th May 2016 the Society celebrated the publication of a special issue of the Journal, The Mongols and Post-Mongol Asia: Studies in Honour of David O. Morgan. Our winter and spring issues have been combined to produce an extended festschrift to honour Professor Morgan’s achievements and to acknowledge his immeasurable contribution to Mongol Studies. The volume consists of articles from twenty-nine eminent scholars, who have written on topics connected with the Mongols and their impact on communities and cultures in places as far apart as Syria and China. Professor Timothy May and Professor Peter Jackson trimmed and shepherded this wealth of history into a unified whole which is introduced by Professor Sarah Ansari. You can read the beginning of this special edition of the JRAS here.
Colleagues both past and present, contributors and the two guest editors gathered to witness the presentation of a bound copy of the volume and to hear reminiscences.

Longstanding Fellows will remember that Professor Morgan is not only a ground breaking historian but also a former editor of the JRAS, which is why the Society decided that publishing his festschrift within the pages of the Journal was particularly appropriate.

The evening continued with drinks, and the entrance and consumption of a very special guest.