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***NB DATE CHANGE*** Unlocking the Door: Writing from Georgia – With talks by Professor Donald Rayfield (Queen Mary), Dr. Gillian Evison (Bodleian Library) and Ms. Lia Chokoshvili (Oxford University)
6 November 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm GMT
*** NB – the date of this event has been moved and will take place on Tuesday the 6th of November;
NOT the 5th of November as previously advertised and printed in the Lecture Programme ***
Wardrop Inheritance: a Journey through translation from Georgian
The Embassy of Georgia to the United Kingdom and the Royal Asiatic Society present a book launch:, ‘Unlocking the Door: Writing from Georgia’.
The book is a pioneering new work that contains pieces of translation from Georgian by students of the University of Oxford, supervised and edited by Ms. Lia Chokoshvili, with editorial assistance by Professor Donald Rayfield and generous support from Marjory Wardrop Fund.
‘Unlocking the Door’ brings together short stories, fairy tales, and plays by Aka Morchiladze (including two works that have never appeared in print before), Guram Rcheulishvili, Lasha Tabukashvili, Erlom Akhvlediani, and Goderdzi Chokheli, in a bilingual, facing-page format. It has been published by Cezanne Printing House.
18.00 Welcome remarks: Dr Alison Ohta, Director of the Royal Asiatic Society
18.05 Welcome and introduction: Ambassador of Georgia to the United Kingdom HE Tamar Beruchashvili;
18.10 Georgian Literature: Professor Donald Rayfield, Professor of Russian and Georgian at Queen Mary University of London;
18.25 Wardrop Collection: Dr Gilian Evison, Head of Bodleian libraries’ Oriental Section &Indian Institute Librarian and Chair of the Marjory Wardrop Fund;
18.40 Journey through translation: Translators – students of the University of Oxford and Ms. Lia Chokoshvili, Georgian language tutor at the Oxford University Language Centre).
Georgian wine reception
Book sale