The Bayly Prize

The Bayly Prize Applications and Nominations




£2500 award for a distinguished thesis in an Asian subject falling within the scope of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society or of Modern Asian Studies. The thesis must have been examined and approved for the PhD degree at a British University in 2024. The date of the final approval letter must fall between 1st January and 31st December 2024. 

How to apply:

Please complete the application form BAYLY-PRIZE-APPLICATION-FORM-2025, and return by email with a PDF of your thesis to The Director, Alison Ohta,, and The Events Officer Matty Bradley by Friday 27th September 2025.

Supervisors may nominate by name alone, but this must be followed by a direct application by the graduate by the closing date of Friday 27th September 2025, and two references will still be required by the same date.

Application details required:
PDF of thesis, Name, contact details, University, Certificate of the award of the PhD degree, title of thesis, short synopsis (500 words), chapter headings, name of supervisor and/or examiners and contact details for two referees.
Please note that references are also due by 27th September 2025 and should be sent to Alison Ohta and Matty Bradley Examiners and supervisors can be referees. 

The panel of adjudicators is composed of: Professor Benjamin Hopkins (George Washington University), Professor Susanne Brandtstädter (Koln), Professor Magnus Marsden (Sussex), Dr Rian Thum (Manchester), and Professor Nile Green (UCLA).

Subject suitability enquiries may be sent to The Director by emailing

A shortlist will be published in late 2025. The prizewinner will be announced at a special meeting of the RAS in early 2026, and publication as a Royal Asiatic Society monograph will be offered. Other finalists will be eligible for consideration for an award of the Royal Asiatic Society’s Universities’ Prize Essay, and their work may be considered for publication by the RAS.

The Prize is established by friends and colleagues to mark the outstanding contribution of Professor Sir Christopher Bayly FBA to the study of world history and that of Asia in particular.