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Membership of the Royal Asiatic Society

The Society welcomes applications for fellowship from anyone with a serious interest in Asian Studies.


Application Process

Applications are considered regularly by the RAS Council and normally processed within a month. You can submit your application online by going to the registration page and filling in the online form.

The first payment of subscription is due on application and then annually from the date of first payment. Should your application not be successful we will refund your payment.

For further information and queries please contact Camilla Larsen by email or phone: 0207 391 9420

Benefits of Fellowship

  • The opportunity to support, and be involved in, the work of a learned society concerned to increase knowledge of Asia.
  • The opportunity to meet leading scholars in the field of Asian Studies.
  • The opportunity to attend, and bring guests, to lectures, seminars and cultural events held at the Society throughout the year.
  • Access to the Library and the Society’s manuscript holdings.
  • Use of the Society’s Reading Room.
  • Discount when hiring the Society’s rooms.
  • Unrestricted free electronic access to all current and archived articles published in the RAS Journal since 1834. Fellows may order the printed version of the current annual volume at a substantially discounted price (£20 for 2024).
  • Discount on reproductions from the RAS collections.

Current Rates

UK Fellow
£80 by Direct Debit
For people based in the UK
Apply for Membership
Fellows under the age of 30 (Worldwide)
£40 by Direct Debit or PayPal
Apply for Membership
Overseas Fellow
£70 by Direct Debit or PayPal
For people not based in UK
Apply for Membership
Joint Fellowship
£120 by Direct Debit
For two Fellows living at the same address
Apply for Membership
Life Fellowships
One-off payment
Fellowship for Life
Email to Apply

JRAS print copies

If you wish to sign up for print copies of the JRAS from 01/01/2024 please pay £20 in addition to your annual membership fee by PayPal subscription or directly to the society’s account with the reference JRAS.

Royal Asiatic Society
Account Number 00452302 Sort Code: 30-00-08
IBAN: GB95 LOYD 3000 0800 4523 02